Frequent asked questions
How does Sello Sol work? What does GTIME mean? Find the answer below to the most common questions regarding Sello Sol and blockchain techonolgy.
why Sello Sol?
Since 2015, we have continuously developed Sello Sol and improved our certification and traceability systems to offer one of the most secure and reliable blockchain networks on the energy sector.
Our methodologies and protocols have been validated and sponsored by the most recognized companies and institutions worldwide, such as the World Bank, Irena and the GIZ.
Sello Sol has been showcased as a success case in conferences all over LATAM and Europe, and counts with more than 130 systems being monitored, adding up more than 50MW traced with our network’s protocols.
To join Sello Sol and a licence, do not hesitate on sending us an email to, or through the contact form at the bottom of this page.
What is a dedicated blockchain?
Also known as permissioned blockchain, a dedicated blockchain is a network where the information processing nodes have to be previously evaluated and vetted by our organization, to certify that the mining process is being carried out by nodes that would not interfere with the network’s security.
A permissioned blockchain also entails a benefit on the energy consumption of the processes being carried on the network, as the complexity can be lesser and therefore utilize less energy.
how Can I join as a node or miner on this network?
We work with physical data mining devices, distributed to selected organizations and governmental agencies to set a baseline for a network where the veracity of the information is key.
Also, we are currently working on a Windows-compatible data mining client, which will be possible to download free of charge to anyone who would like to participate in our mining processes; with previous authorization from our organization (refer to the question above).
If interested in participating as a node in our network whether by using a physical device or through our downloadable client, send us an email to or fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page.
Which are the requirements for a metering station?
Our sturdy metering stations are 100% self-contained and have been designed to endure the most inclement weather. We have active stations on the driest desert in the world working endlessly without any issues.
As the technology inside has been designed to have the lowest consumption possible, the integrated solar panel and batteries are usually enough to keep the station operating non-stop.
If a certain place does not count with a stable WiFi connection, the stations can be connected through any 3G or 4G mobile network.
What does GTIME stands for?
Sello Sol works with the blockchain protocol GTIME, which has been specifically developed for the measurement and traceability of energy sources. It records the data on the actual origin of the energy produced and processes the Geolocalization, Time, user ID, the devices’ MAC address and Energy Generated variables of every system affiliated to our platform.
GTIME processes energy measurement data every 15 minutes, and combines them into new data blocks then added automatically into the chain every 20 minutes; reducing the risk for information duplicity and potential irregularities on the data mined.
For further info, please visit us on (available in spanish only).
Do you only trace photovoltaic energy?
Sello Sol traces the energy generated by two kinds of solar energy: photovoltaic and solar thermal. For other renewable energy sources, do not hesitate on sending us an email at or through the contact form at the end of this page.
Who can benefit from joining Sello Sol?
The traceability platform and certification that Sello Sol offers is beneficial to a wide array of sectors such as product & services, the raw material extraction sector, solar power plants or solar thermal, agriculture, institutions or government that would like to certify their processes as CO2 mitigation initiatives.
Our platform provides an unmatched marketing opportunity on product labeling or on the adherent companies PR.
I would like a Sello Sol licence
To ensure a sustained development and proper maintenance and operations of both our platforms and metering stations, Sello Sol requires an annual licence fee per associate, plus a small set-up payment. The prices vary depending on the size of the solar power plant. For more information regarding prices and availability, please send us an email at or through the contact form at the bottom of this page.
How do you measure from the point of origin?
To guarantee the veracity of the generation data traced, we have developed a complete metering station, which is connected on the same premises of the solar power plant directly to the billing meter, energy inverter or to the datalogger, to gather and process the energy generation data, which reduces the risk of errors on the information collected to a minimum.
Moreover, each station is equipped with a series of meteorological variables sensors, to ensure with an objective point of comparison that the performance-ratio of each power plant functions within the acceptable parameters on a minute to minute accuracy, and that there are no irregularities on the system or data.
Benefits of the Sello Sol blockchain
The Sello Sol mechanisms are based on a dedicated blockchain network to solve the critical issues on the traceability and transactions that affect the solar energy generation sector.
Energy traceability and CO2 reduction certificates
The blockchain protocols of Sello Soll enables tracing the energy generated from the point of origin to generate CO2 emission reduction certificates
Blockchain based smart power purchase agreements
The decentralization of information and immutability principles from where blockchain is based validates the smart PPAs that Sello Sol offers
Solar energy transactions for electromobility
As the data is gathered and processed practically in real-time, Sello Sol enables energy micro-transactions for EV charging stations
verification platform for carbon offseting initiatives
The Sello Sol platform includes a block verification system, to certify the generated energy and the validity of carbon offset mechanisms
Blockchain for traceability?
Blockchain has been designed as a decentralized registry, and the way it operates makes it transparent, secure and practically impossible to corrupt.
It runs on machine-to-machine operations, and bases its reliability on the consensus of a majority of participant nodes from a descentralized network verify and certify the information gathered from the involved systems.
The technology allows a higher data verification frequency, and by being automatic, it doesn’t require from third parties to transcript the information, reducing considerably the percentage of error on the data.
Blockchain can be considered as a ledger, or a database where only new information can be added without modifying the one that is already there. New data is grouped in blocks and then added to a chain successively.
The existing data on the blockchain can only be amended by adding new information, thus the original information will always remain safe as traceable data with a timestamp registry of the information, which can be verified at any moment.
The blockchain technology is based on a network of nodes that process information and adds it to blocks on a sequential registry. Being Sello Sol a dedicated blockchain, the security of the information contained does not depend directly to the network size.
As the process is based on an established mathematic formula, and not on the processed information itself, the block generation speed can be adjusted to be as fast as needed without jeopardising the data security.
Couldn’t find the answer?
If you couldn’t find the answer above, do not hesitate on contacting us, and one of our specialists will help you out with any further doubts.
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The energy traceability blockchain for Latin America
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